Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I have avoided using any sort of motorized vehicle so far, but living in Seattle there is no way to avoid using transportation systems without staying in your room. Just getting to class involves using paths and roads made for moving vehicles and students around the University. I walked down to QFC and ended up using another part of the transportation system. The crosswalk isn't normally thought of a major part of the system, but without it and the traffic lights that work along with it would be near to impossible to cross a busy intersection. Both going down to QFC and coming back I also used the stairs that make it a lot easier to climb the steep hill behing McCarty

I have found that living on campus has made it rather easy to fast from most forms of transportation. Back in Yakima the only way to get around was by car because the distance between everything made it impracticle to walk and even ride bikes sometimes. There is little to none public transportation in Yakima so it would easy to avoid that.


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